

An-Yi Huang, Chi-Cherng Hong, Yi-Kai Wu, Chih-Chun Chang (2022, Aug).
Can PMM Always be a Precursor and Predictor of ENSO. Climate Hotpots in
Action (CHiA) Forum, 中央研究院. 17–19 Aug.

Hong Chi-Cherng (2022, Aug). Seasonality of ISO-TC interaction on the
intesification of TC in recent decades. Climate Hotpots in Action (CHiA)
Forum , 中央研究院. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 17–19 Aug 2022.

An-Yi Huang, Chi-Cherng Hong, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Wan-Ling Tseng, Pei-
Chun Hsu, and Min-Hui Lo (2022, Jun). Effect of Enhanced Diabatic Heating
over Maritime Continent on Unusual Large-scale Circulation and Extreme
Weather in East Asia–Western North Pacific in Early Summe. 2022 Taiwan
Geosciences Assembly (TGA) & 2022 Conference on Weather Analysis and
Forecasting, 中央研究院. 本人為通訊作者. 6/7-10 (2022 臺灣地球科學聯合 學術研討會) & 6/7-8 (2022 天氣分析與預報研討會).

Hong Chi-Cherng , Chih-Hua Tsou, Ming-Ying Lee, Chi-Chun Chang, Huang-
Hsiung Hsu, and Kuan-Chieh Chen (2022, Jun). Effect of ISO-SSE Interaction
on Accelerating the TS to Severe TS Development in the WNP Since the Late
1990s. 2022 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA) & 2022 Conference on
Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 中央研究院. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
6/7-10 (2022 臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會).

Chi-Cherng Hong, Ming-Ying Lee, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Wang-Ling Tseng, and
Chi-Chun Chang (2019, Jul). Compounding Effects of North Atlantic SST and
SST/SIC Trend On the 2018 Northern Hemisphere Heat Wave . 27th IUGG
General Assembly ,08-18 July 2019,,canada, montreal,canada. MOST 107-2111-
M-845-001. 本人為第一作者. 舉辦日期2019/7/8-2019/7/18,出國日期:108/07/03-108/07/23 海報展示.

Chi-Cherng Hong,Yi-Kai Wu,Chi-Chun Chang,An-Yi Huang, Ming-Ying
Lee,Huang-Hsiung Hsu (2019, Apr). Warming of Subtropical Eastern North
Pacific SST and its Possible Impacts on the East Asian Climate . The 14th
‘General Circulation Model Simulations of the East Asian Climate' (EAC)
workshop. 27-29 April, 2019 , City University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong ,
Hong Kong . MOST 107-2111-M-845-001. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 口頭報 告.

Chi-Cherng Hong, MIng-Ying Lee, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, and Wan-Ling Tseng
(2018, Jun). Distinct influences of the ENSO-like and PMM-like SST anomaly on the TC genesis location in the western North Pacific: the 2015 summer as an extreme example . 2018AOGS(Asia Oceania Geosciences Society), 美國-夏威 夷. MOST 106-2111-M-845-001. 本人為第一作者. 出國(赴大陸地區)期間:
107/06/03~ 107/06/11 報告日期:107/06/05 .

Chi-Cherng Hong, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Wan-Ling Tseng, Ming-Ying Lee, Chun-Hoe Chow , Li-Chiang Jiang (2018, Apr). Extratropical Forcing Triggered the 2015 Madden–Julian Oscillation–El Niño Event. 2018EGU (European Geoscience Assembly), 維也納. MOST 106-2621-M-865-001. 本人為第一作 者. 出國(赴大陸地區)期間:107/04/07~ 107/04/14 報告日期:107/04/09 .

H.-H Hsu, and C.-C. Hong(2016) (2016, Dec). Potential Effect of Extratropical
Forcing in Triggering an Unusually Strong MJO and the Onset of 2015-2016 El
Nino. 2016AGU Fall meeting, America,San Francisco. 本人為通訊作者. H.-H
Hsu, and C.-C. Hong(2016):Potential Effect of Extratropical Forcing in Triggering an Unusually Strong MJO and the Onset of 2015-2016 El Nino.AGU
Fall meeting,San Francisco 10-17 December.

Hong C.-C., T.-C. Chang, and H.-H. Hsu (2016, Dec). Remote Impact of the
Warm Tropical Atlantic SST on the Enhancement of Summertime Western North
Pacific Subtropical High After the Late 1970s. 2016AGU Fall meeting, America,San Francisco. 本人為第一作者. Hong C.-C., T.-C. Chang, and H.-H. Hsu (2016): Remote Impact of the Warm Tropical Atlantic SST on the Enhancement of Summertime Western North Pacific Subtropical High After the Late 1970s . AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco 10-17 December..

Hong C.-C., Y.-K. Wu, and Tim Li (2016, Dec). Influence of climate regime shift
on the interdecadal change in tropical cyclone activity over the Pacific Basin
during the middle to late 1990s. NUIST-POSTECH First Joint Workshop in
Climate Dynamics & Second NUIST Climate Dynamics Research Center Annual
Meeting,Nanjing, china. 本人為第一作者. Hong C.-C., Y.-K. Wu, and Tim Li
(2016): Influence of climate regime shift on the interdecadal change in tropical
cyclone activity over the Pacific Basin during the middle to late 1990s.NUIST-
POSTECH First Joint Workshop in Climate Dynamics & Second NUIST Climate
Dynamics Research Center Annual Meeting,Nanjing,China,21-23 December.

Wu, Y. K., L. Chen, C.-C. Hong, T. Li, C.-T. Chne, L. Wang (2016, Dec). Role of
the meridional dipole of SSTA and associated cross-equatorial flow in the
tropical eastern Pacific in terminating the 2014 El Nino. 2016AGU Fall meeting,
America,San Francisco. 本人為通訊作者. Wu, Y. K., L. Chen, C.-C. Hong, T.
Li, C.-T. Chne, L. Wang(2016):Role of the meridional dipole of SSTA and
associated cross-equatorial flow in the tropical eastern Pacific in terminating the
2014 El Nino.AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco 10-17 December .

Chi-Cherng Hong,ming-ying lee,huang-hsiung hsu (2016, Aug). Causes if
Unusual Absence of Tropical Cyclones in the Western North Pacific in August
2014. 2016 13th AOGS, Beijing,China. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.

Chi-Cherng Hong,tao-chi chang,huang-Hsiung hsu (2016, Aug). Remote Impact
of the Warm Tropical Atlantic SST on the Enhancement of Summertime Western
North Pacific Subtropical High After the Late 1970s. 13th AOGS, Beijing,China. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 2016/07/31-2016/08/05.

C.-C. Hong, T.-C. Chang, and H.-H. Hsu (2015, Aug). Enhanced Relationship
Between the Tropical Atlantic SST and the Summertime Western North Pacific
Subtropical High After the Late 1970s . AOGS 12th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
MOST 103-2111-M-845-002. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 2 to 7 August 2015.

Hong, C.-C.and Y-K Wu (2014, Jul). Abrupt decrease of Tropical cyclone
activity over the western North Pacific in middle 1990s. AOGS 11th Annual
Meeting, Sapporo. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 28 Jul-01 Aug, 2014.

Jun Chiang , Chi-Cherng Hong(2022年08月)。Assessment of CMIP6's ability
to simulate the East Asian summer monsoon on multiple time scales and future
projection。Climate Hotpots in Action(CHiA) Forum 。本人為通訊作者。17-19
Aug 2022。

Jun Chiang , Chi-Cherng Hong(2022年06月)。Assessment of CMIP6's ability
to simulate the East Asian summer monsoon on multiple time scales and future
projection。2022 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA) & 2022 Conference on
Weather Analysis and Forecasting,中央研究院。本人為通訊作者。 6/7-10
(2022 臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會) & 6/7-8 (2022 天氣分析與預報研討 會)。

何致翰、洪志誠(2022年06月)。以CMIP6氣候模擬探討IOD-ENSO交互作 用之過去變遷與未來推估。2022 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA) & 2022
Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting,中央研究院。本人為通訊作
者。6/7-10 (2022 臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會) & 6/7-8 (2022 天氣分析與預 報研討會)。

林昱緯、洪志誠、江鈞(2022年06月)。暖化下聖嬰現象對東亞氣候影響之機 制探討。2022 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA) & 2022 Conference on
Weather Analysis and Forecasting,中央研究院。本人為通訊作者。6/7-10(2022 臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會) & 6/7-8 (2022 天氣分析與預報研討會)。