
Data structure PPT, doc  source code
Stack Stack, 中序求值, 前序求值 ,後序求值中序轉後序 , 以stack解八皇后問題,運算式求值(ppt), Knight problem騎士巡邏(ppt)  ,stack(linked-list) (6/2) Stack.java ,infix evaluate, postfix, prefix, infix-2, infix to postfix, balance, stack(Deitel)
Queue Queue, array-Queue   ,queue(linked-list) (6/2), PPT Queue.java
Linked list single link list, double link list, Skip list,

linked-list-2, application

single link list:IntNode.java, IntSLList.java

double link list: IntDLList.java, IntDLLNode.java

Skip list: IntSkipList.java, IntSkipListNode.java 

Regular Expression  PPT(2004/12/23) 範例檔(2004/12/23)
Recursive eight queens, 黑白河內塔, VonKoch curve, Binary search, GCD, power of x, FIB series  Maze.java, 遞迴
sort shell-sort, Quick sort, merge sort, Heap sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, selection sort,radix-sort  Sorts.java
tree BST (6/2), AVL tree, B-tree, Black-Red treeBST-PPT,tree-2 , B+ Tree, FibHeap, Digital Search Tree, Optimal Binary Search Tree, tries, BinomialHeaps, Leftist Tree


BST: IntBST.javaIntBSTNode. javaBST.java, BSTNode.java


graph graph-basic, BFS, DFS(doc),Find_a_Cycle, Topological sort, Minimum cost spanning tree, Single source shortest path, all shortest path(transtive,short-path), Bipartite matching, Network flow(doc)  
Heap  Binary Heap, Binomial Heap, Fib Heap, Soft Heap Heap.java
hash table hash-table (2003/5/26)  
NPC 3 SAT, Vertex cover, dominating set, Clique, , 3-coloring
other algorithms 凸面體,名人問題,greedy (Huffman encodingdoc)





2006暑假作業 1-3

2006暑假作業 4



1. sort & array練習:[ppt]

       2. sort simulator


1.cross reference

2. tree : (1)create a tree: given prefix/infix or postfix/infix

3. BST simulator


1.Horowitz, Sahni & AndersonFreed, Fundamentals of data structures in C, Computer science press. (resource: /ds-horiwitz )

2.Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, Second edition, MIT Press.

3.Adam Drozedek, Data structures and Algoriths in Java, Brooks/Cole, 2001

4.Dr. Shi-Chun Tsai



7.Michael T. Goodrich, Data structures and algorithms in Java, Wiley


資料結構(linked list, queue, stack, tree, graph, heap, hash table)sortsearch等特性運作演算法實作應用及時間空間複雜度

